Monday, August 13, 2012

Fring Fried

It is most humid as fuck. It is most hot as fuck. I am most miserable as fuck.

I think I would do better living somewhere colder, like Vermont, or... Alaska. But for now I just stand in front of the open freezer door and imagine I'm in a better place. A place that smells vaguely of frozen corn dogs.

This "elementary school" that I work at gets more ridiculous by the moment. A teacher recently quit, or went on vacation for like two weeks (...can you even DO that?) so-- here's the way the principal works-- she stuck this other teacher's class with mine and basically said, "Figure it out."

"But I'm teaching third graders. These are second graders."

"Just make them do work."

"Together? But you're giving me second graders."

"Just make them do work."

"They can't do anything unless I teach it to them. How can I teach large concepts to two different levels at once?"

"Just make them do work."

"But they're getting confused. They can't do work if they don't understand it."

"Just make them do work."

"Are you listening to me? Can you even understand what I'm saying?"

 "Just make them do work."

"Purple robot monkeys eat my socks."

"Just make them do work."

Says I.
Anyways, if any of you is a Breaking Bad parasite like me, perhaps you'll enjoy this: Go Fring Yourself

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