Sunday, August 9, 2009

A String Of Disjoint Shenanigans.

My back hurts! I have terrible posture. But whenever I try to fix my posture, it just hurts my back even more, so I sink back into the bad habit. This really is all my fault.

Last night was fun; I hung out with my best friend and her boyfriend, who's also good company. We were watching Bob Saget's stand-up... my WORD. WTFBOB?! I mean, I knew he had a dirty sense of humor and that he was really vulgar, but as I watched it I found myself growing exponentially more appalled. Every third word was the F-bomb. A bit much. But whatever, Bob Saget doesn't care what I think.

My friend and I were baking oatmeal chocolate chip cookies [insert drool] in her kitchen, until we suddenly realized her entire floor was crawling with maggots. This SAME EXACT THING happened in my kitchen the day before! Weird. Anyway, her boyfriend swooped in heroically and squashed the little buggers with his shoes. I tried to kill one and ended up slicing it in half... but it was still moving! Gross? Gross.

We hung out all of today; I got home a few hours ago. I painted on her bedside table drawer... it's... it's colorful. And earlier this morning we all went to the pier, where this huge camera-whore bird was posing on a trashcan. Good thing I brought my cam-er-ahhha!

Okay, so, in case I haven't brought this up before, I'm one of the biggest hypocrites I know. But I'm the only one who calls myself out on my bull shit! So that's what I'm going to do now, because nobody likes a hypocrite. And when I identify the hypocrisy in me, I like to rectify it, so at least we're making some sort of progress here...

Commence hypocrisy rectification. I bag on Twilight all the time. Why? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I've been having a good hard look at why. Because I thought I did, and I wrote a very silly and scathing Myspace blog detailing my thoughts. But the fact of the matter is, I haven't read Twilight. I haven't even watched the movie in its entirety (and when I did I was just making jokes the whole time... but seriously, they do set themselves up for a lot of the shit they get). I was basing my judgments off of what I heard about the series... even if it came from fans who SHOULD be showing the books in a positive light but instead made me resist it further. And this was fine by me. Until people started antagonizing the things I liked. "I've never even watched a whole episode of so-and-so because I can't stand it." And then I go into defense mode and blurt out, "How can you judge it when you haven't even SEEN--" And then I stop.

Oh, crap. I've become one of them.

I've become ignorant scum who actually sees legitimacy in jumping to conclusions. NO! This can't be! And I realize what I've done. So I quickly come up with some compromising but rather tongue-in-cheek remark that will hopefully cause my adversary to falter and recognize their ignorance-- however briefly-- and I go on to publicly chastise myself... because I'm into that sort of thing.

I've been a bad girl...

So, yes, I've written things/people ("WHOAH, people? You just got on a whole 'nother level of deepness, J-Mil") off before even getting the full profile on them. I'd rather not do that.

But I still don't like Twilight.

For reasons like these.

In unrelated news, can someone tell my why I find this so God damn funny?

As of this morning I have the inexplicable urge to make a homemade pinata. As far as I know it's a relatively simple process. And then we can have a Spanish fiesta in the park when we finish it. Is this a good idea?

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