Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ring Ring Ring Ring

"Lazy Sunday" is a phrase invented to give lazy people a day off from feeling guilty.

 *scratches belly*

Not like it counts, anyway. Almost every weekend I'm unable to sleep in. Why? Because a woman roams the neighborhood at 8am belting, "TAMAAAAAALES! CHAMPURRADOOOOOO!" And sure enough, if you go outside you'll find her pushing around a grocery cart filled with tamales and champurado.


Delicious corn meal thing stuffed with meat or-- if you're a God-subverting vegetarian like I am-- cheese. The ones the tamale lady makes even has a pepper inside.

A thick, cinnamon kind of milky beverage served hot. It is pretty dank.

They're both really good and really cheap. A small consolation for being awoken before noon. I guess of all the things Whittier could use to wake me up, tamales and champurrado aren't the worst. Just like the ceaseless pops and bangs I hear outside my window all night. Those are fireworks. Right?

BORED BLOGGER CHALLENGE: Use the words 'flabbergasted' and 'incidentally' in a picture involving penguins. Go!

...That's all I've got. Happy Sunday.

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