Sunday, April 8, 2012

Whoah Guy.

Guess who's back.
Back again.
J-Mil's back.
Tell a friend.

Even though they'll most likely respond with, "What's a J-Mil? What are you talking about? Are you delirious? Here, sit down. I'll get you some water."

Yeeeup, I decided to do that blogging thing again. I technically was for a while last semester, which I spent in Prague. YES, I was in Prague. And I'm not going to talk about it at all. If you want to know what I was up to you can check out my Prog Blague (which, as it turns out, is actually the most unoriginal title for a blog about Prague). Let's talk about now. Let's get in the present. Let's pretend that I haven't completely abandoned this blog for a little under two years and move on. Because repression is awesome!

So right now I'm back in school, getting ready for the end of the school year. WTF am I going to do with my Summer? Originally I wanted to go on a three-month jetpacking excursion through Candy Mountain, but I recently found out that place doesn't exist. So now I'll most likely be working at a Vietnamese grill and using my spare time to watch Ugly Americans and get fat off breakfast burritos from the Alberto's by my house.

Photo collage of my summer:

Until then, I am working hard in school and bullshitting my way through my introductory social work class. While the work load from all my classes is a bit frustrating, I'm happiest when I'm busy. When I'm not busy I get bored, and it seems like whenever I get bored I try to find the most efficient way to kill my brain cells. I watch TV, stare at Facebook for hours on end, drill small holes in my forehead using my dad's power tools... I crave stimulation.

And that's why we have Whittier! This semester has been oodles of stimulation. Why, just last night I went to a school dance for the first time in... well, like a year. It got so loud and so drugapalooza'd that the Whittier PD literally ticketed the school and shut the whole thing down. It was a beach-themed dance, so before I knew it I found myself amidst a mass exodus of drunk ass bitches sloppily waddling around in their bikinis and trying to find their other sloppy drunk ass bitch friends. It kind of looked like this:

VH1 Reality Show Bus Crashes In California Causing Major Slut Spill
...Sorry, that's mean of me to pass judgment. I'm sure they all have wonderful personalities.

Like these bitches.

 It was an odd night. After the dance got shut down by... like... the entire Whittier police force, I went back up to my dorm to discover the fire alarm had gone off. But Campus Safety was not around, because they were ALSO handling the dance situation. So it was me, my friends, and a cluster of drunk fools in bathing suits awkwardly standing outside our dorm at around 12 o'clock at night. Eventually we got the okay to get into the building, but then the halls were just crawling with drunk people. Several awkward encounters. At an after party I went to later that evening, some shirtless douche bag grabbed my wrist and wouldn't let me go until I told him my name. In my panic I said my real name, which was perplexing. I usually say my name is Lucille, and sometimes they believe me.

Well, I guess that's all for now, nothing particularly riveting I'm afraid. Crossing my fingers for increasing rivetage in the upcoming weeks! If I don't rivet hard enough I don't know what I'll do.

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