Saturday, July 18, 2009

O Happy Day!

Pardon if my thoughts are scattered, incoherent, groggy, mundane, etc... for that's pretty much what they are in my mind. And transcribing such thoughts from head to laptop is risky business.

I don't really know what to write, to be honest, I just feel like writing. 'Cause, y'know, I write and junk.

WELL, let's begin with yesterday. A pretty monumental but in the grand scheme of life unimportant day: the last day of Actor's Academy. Oooh, I promised myself I wouldn't cry... that idea went right out the window. We had Scene Seminar of course, which happens every Friday. It's basically a little showcase of what we've been working on all week, and all the AA staff comes to watch and gives notes. This was-- easily-- the MOST successful Scene Seminar of the Summer, on everyone's behalf. It felt like everyone did their best work. As they should. It was pretty incredible. I saw things I've never seen alive in people. Fantastic things. Kudos to all.

We also had the Actor's Academy Olympics, which is a series of games and competitions of things we've learned over the Summer. My goal this Summer was to get the gold medal for IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) Challenge. It's sort of like a spelling bee, but with speed... and IPA. Look it up if you don't know. I am in love with IPA; it's like writing in a secret code and it just... makes sense to me. I dunno. BUT. Bottom line: GOAL ACHIEVED. It was SUCH a great feeling! Surprisingly enough, I also won a silver medal in Twizzle, which is a movement game that has a lot to do with balance and focus. I've always been the worst of the best at that game, so it was a surprise to find myself standing in the winner's circle. So I got TWO medals [insert victory dance]. I'm not bragging, I swear; it was just a very unexpected and pleasant surprise. Seriously: stoked.

It was a little silly how at the end of Academy we all cried and hugged and told each other all the things we've always wanted to say... and all partied together three hours later. One of our friends from Academy had a huge party at her mansion of a house last night, and it was a ton of fun... and almost everyone was there. Good stuff.

But alas, now that I am not stuck inside a dark theatre with people I smother with love (and vice versa) for 9-14 hours a day, I don't rightly know what to do with myself. I need to surround myself with people. Because honestly, if it's not people it'll probably be Prozac pills. ...Is she joking? Is she joking? We don't know!

Speak of the devil; an Academy friend just called to meet up with other Academy kids.

I know you who are reading this post on Facebook cannot see the video, but right there I just posted a clip of "O Happy Day" from Sister Act 2. "View Original Post," bitches!

Things I Hate Right Now
My period.

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