Saturday, July 25, 2009

The TRUTH? You Can't Handle The Truth!

GAH!!! STUPID POLICE! I hate you so much right now. You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, police. Perhaps you should have done the same! This is blasphemy! This is madness!

This!... Is!... No longer a legal way to settle debates! You can thank the law for THAT one too.

Perhaps I should elaborate.

I was stoked to see a local band I really like perform tonight. The venue is a nifty little hole-in-the-wall art studio/recording studio/manmade performance venue called Speakeasy Studios. The coolest part is that it's about 30 seconds from my house, I discovered. I'd been there once before to see this AMAZING band called The Burning Of Rome (click on the link and culture yourself), but when I got there nobody was playing, just some band that wasn't very good.

Well, tonight was the second of two attempts that I have tried to see Burning Of Rome perform live, and failed. I arrived at the studio right on time, stood around looking at the weird-as-f@%!k artwork dangling from the walls, and waited... and waited... for about an hour and a half. Then, just as my posse and I were about to leave, the show started with a guy reciting some spoken word. I liked his stuff. It was funny. After him, a band I'd never heard before called Judgment Day (click for a double dose of culture) started playing, and suffice it to say they cummed in my ear pussies. It was fantastic. It's 3 guys: one on drums, one on violin, one on cello. It's an incredible sound; a perfect fusion of classical and rock music. Try it; you'll love it.

So after they finished up, Burning Of Rome was just about to set up... when suddenly the cops roll in. Apparently, alcohol was being sold, and apparently, that's not legal to do on a private premises, and apparently, someone was dick enough to tip off the cops that the world's smallest venue had alcohol, and APPARENTLY, that was enough to have them shut down the entire operation.


I was so close to hearing BOR live I could taste it. And it tasted good. But NO. The cops had to mosy on in and spit on everything and ask me how old I was and this and that and the other thing. Depressing? You betcha. So I went home, leaving me to my current state of being utterly distraught. I paid 5 bucks to see Burning Of Rome. I saw Judgment Day and they were tight, but... sorry guys, I didn't pay to see you. I will next time maybe. If there IS a next time. My word! I was looking forward to making this blog a huge rant about how awesome Burning Of Rome is and how great their show was and how spectacular it was to FINALLY see them live, and instead... I get sent home with sad Charlie Brown music playing in my head. Fuckin' cops.

Anyway, no use in dwelling on it for much longer. Besides, there are other things I feel I should be bringing up. Like an intimate poop story. We love those, don't we?

First off; one thing I'd like to make clear: GIRLS POOP. The rumors are true. And we don't poop Peeps, as my friend has convinced himself. We defecate fecal matter.

Now then, with that in mind...

Crap, I can't even retell it. It's a ridiculous story and there's no way for me to come away from it without seeming utterly repulsive. It's just that rumors have been circulating on Facebook that I pooped in a plastic bag at my friend's house. This is not ENTIRELY true... I pooped. Handle didn't work. Panic attack. Mr. Bean moment. Search frantically. Got a plastic bag from under the sink. Got poo out of toilet, (cleaning-up-after-your-)doggie style. Threw in garbage can. Friend knocks on door three seconds later to ask if I was pooping. Another panic attack. I confess, and then proceed to tell her what I did. She, I, and the three other friends present are laughing uncontrollably. Friend helps me get the bag of poo out of her trash can and into the outside can like she's talking me down from leaping off a building. Can't stop laughing. This is incredibly embarrassing but an albeit GOLDEN situation.

There! I said it. My face is turning red but gosh darn it I find this funny. The reason I'm typing this here is so that I don't have to explain it in person to anyone. Hopefully. Hope you all enjoyed that, because with any luck this will be the last anyone will ever hear of my poopscapades.

I dyed my hair "Dark Golden Brown" today. It's a few shades darker than my natural hair color. I think it came out quite well. My previous state was "Amber Brown." People seemed to like that color a lot, but I'm just not that big on reddish shades. I like dark, defined colors. But "Soft Black" wasn't really doing anything for me. This color works well, methinks. I'm telling you all this because I know you all care so much about the trials and tribulations of my hair color.

Tomorrow will be much fun; I'm having a big ol' evening picnic at the park in my neighborhood. Friends and fine dining! Whoop whoop.

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